Acquisition Opportunity: Industrial Group Specializing in Pumping Solutions, Headquartered in France with Regional Presence in Africa

    7 000 000,000 €
    Publiée le : April 29, 2024


    • ID:IC0228
    • Categorie:Entreprise et Commerce
    • Sous-Categorie:Vente
    • Pays:Tunisie
    • Région:Tunis
    • Adresse:France
    • Activité:Industrie
    • Sous-Activité:Mécanique - métallurgie
    • Surface:1
    • Situation:En Activité
    Vues: 304 Vues

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    A key player in the African pumps market, the Group has over 20 years of experience in the hydraulic pumps sector. Specializing in providing end-to-end services, from preliminary studies and pumping station design to pump selection, delivery, installation, and ongoing maintenance, the Group’s expertise extends across various fields including sanitation, mining, public works, agriculture, and domestic needs. The Group's global commercial presence is concentrated in the Maghreb region (Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco), which contributes 60% of revenues, while West Africa generates 30% of revenues, amounting to an average of 7 Million Euros per year. By operating in different markets, the Group benefits from a diversified source of revenues, which mitigates exposure to countries’ risks. The Group's development will be driven by the economic growth dynamics within these different regions and by tapping into a $10 billion market. This market is experiencing increased demand for water and wastewater treatment plants driven by rising urbanization, infrastructure projects and emerging industries throughout the African Market. Proposed deal: • A total acquisition of the French holding, and its subsidiaries • The owner is open for a 12 months period of transition • Selling price: 7 Million Euros A teaser summarizing the activity’s overview and the acquisition rationale can be provided upon request.


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